Book I
Daniel Rios
This is my way of explaining this book.

Long answer: Deep down inside, in a secret place, I always wanted to write a book, but I was too afraid to try. So…I waited and went to school and worked and got married and became a dad. Then in June 2021 something incredible happened: Everything aligned, perfectly, like magic, and I started to write my first book, a novel, of all things. But writing a novel proved more of a challenge than I was prepared for. So...I fell, and I cried, and then got up and went looking for answers. It was like I was walking down a long dark tunnel with no exit. Then the impossible happened: I found a small hole, an exit. And the next thing I know I’m out and free and holding this book in my hand.

Short answer: This book is a collection of some of the words that popped into my head as I searched for answers, for the truth about life. This book is my best attempt to explain the impossible. If I had to shrink everything down to one word, this book is about: transformation.

- Excerpt from Book I